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Kidstart Programs

Kidstart Programs provide specific therapy package for kids and the families with particular needs.

Image by Gabriel Crismariu

Feeding Therapy

Feeding therapy is more than just “teaching a child to eat.” It is an effective form of service provided to enhance the feeding experiences of children and families. In kidstart, we work closely with clients and their families to determine the children’s challenges and develop specific therapy sessions to make the process of eating easier and smoothly.

Sensory integration sessions

Sensory integration means how we experience, intepret or ignore information our senses provide. Sensory integration is important in our daily activities, such as getting dressed, eating, playing, and learning. During the sensory integration sessions, we provide structured exposure to sensory input, customized play-based activities, and accommodations.

Antistress Sensory Toy
Boy Coloring

Fine motor/ handwriting workshop

Handwriting is a complex skill; it requires highly developed fine motor skills and other physical abilities to make it work. Fine motor skills such as grasping objects, cutting with scissors, shoe-tying, writing etc. These skills are essential for self-care, and participation in daily activities at home and at school. If children experience difficulties mastering those skills, it may cause frustration and affect children’s motivation to engage in daily activities. Through occupational therapy in kidstart, clients can develop and improve these skills without tears.

Programs: Services
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